Saturday, April 30, 2011

Madison Boats - Full Color Wallpaper

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Royal Wedding Of Prince William and Kate Middleton - Beautiful Wallpaper

Royal Wedding Of Prince William and Kate MiddletonRoyal Wedding Of Prince William and Kate MiddletonRoyal Wedding Of Prince William and Kate MiddletonRoyal Wedding Of Prince William and Kate MiddletonRoyal Wedding Of Prince William and Kate MiddletonRoyal Wedding Of Prince William and Kate MiddletonThe wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine "Kate" Middleton is scheduled to

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Ishant five-for wrecks Kochi

April 27, 2011
Deccan Chargers 129 for 7 (Sangakkara 65, Vinay 3-27) beat Kochi Tuskers 74 (Ishant 5-12, Steyn 3-16) by 55 runs

If you needed a punctuation mark to describe this game, you'd choose a big, bold exclamation mark and colour it a deep crimson red. Kochi Tuskers Kerala's scorecard was stunningly woeful at the end of four sensational overs: 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 were the scores of the batsmen sucker-punched by Ishant Sharma, who harassed them with seam and bounce. And Kochi never recovered from that soul-crushing spell. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Prithviraj Wedding Photos Reception Photos MorE than 50

prithviraj wedding reception Photos

Prithviraj Wedding Photos,Prithviraj Marriage Photos,Malayalam Actor Prithviraj Marriage Photos,Malayalam Actor Prithviraj Wedding Photos,Prithviraj Marriage Reception Photos,Prithviraj Wedding Reception Photos 


Prithviraj Wedding Reception Photos - CLICK hERE

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Botol Ijo - Wallpaper

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Forest Flowers - 3D Wallpaper

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Prithviraj marriage :Prithvi to tie the knot soon

Prithviraj marriage :Prithvi to tie the knot soon
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Malayalam Actor Prithviraj Wedding Photos Marriage Photos

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Frog Full Color - Beautiful Wallpaper

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Nature - Beautiful Wallpaper

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Colorful Lorikeets - Beautiful Bird Wallpaper

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3D And Fantasy Girls-2 - Beautiful Wallpaper

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3D And Fantasy Girls-1 - Beautiful Wallpaper

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3D And Fantasy Girls - Beautiful Wallpaper

Download wallpaper HD resolutions: 852 x 480 1280 x 720 1366 x 768 1920 x 1080

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Moving, the hard way (I survived a move on Korsou!)

Hi friends,

I have moved from one side off the island to the middle off it. What does that mean? Well for one work is now minutes away instead of more then a hour drive. And as a bonus I got a way smaller room, more bugs, more heat and less sleep.

I know where you live and I will attack you!

Lets start with the beginning, I used to live on the Banda Bau side of the island. This is the area where people usually go to enjoy beaches, nature, peace and quiet and in the weekends the giant exodus from town folk to the beaches of Banda Bau.

As you can clearly see the move was, well it was small. But here's the catch, I had to help my parents move and my sister as well and there, my friends, is where the fun starts.

I took a week off from work, thinking this would be enough, one week to help move 3 people and myself. Let us begin the saga that is the hell of moving.

Day 1,

As I woke up at 8 in the morning, which is 3 hours later then normal, I felt great. And that would be the last good feeling I would have for that week.

Day 1 was mostly packing of, well everything. Small glasses, big glasses, glasses that we didn't know we had. And the sorting of hundreds of small unknown things each with a wonderful story (which I will not go into at all, but they are so good, and so wonderful!).

Welcome to the first level of hell!

At the end of day one my hands smelled of boxes, my eyes where squares and my brain was set to "box".

Day 2,

My parents had so much stuff they decided to have a small yard sale. This actually went faster then ever thought. Within the first 2 hours almost all the large things where sold. This day felt like a rest day, but in the end it was still back to boxes.

Day 3, 

Why are we still packing, can we start moving already. Around this time the family had 2 mental break downs already and one rage attack. But we survived, and no fatalities where reported on any news network. There was however the breaking of some glasses, and other random items. Also we have suddenly a large container to dumb trash into.

Day 4,
Boxes, no more boxes! We have started with moving the boxes to the new house of my parents. The new place is moments away from the old, you would think this is great right? RIGHT?. Well no, think about this. Load truck with boxes, keep loading, loading, loading, load complete! Drive to new house (Rest while in truck). Ooh no we are here (5 minute drive), unload, unload, unload. And repeat! We drove up and down like this at least 10-15 times in a day! By the end of the day you felt like a moving zombie. 

And also, we did not have a normal moving truck. We had basically a large open truck and a pick up that we moved with. 

Ya'll be moving?

The driving of the truck was also very much fun. We had power steering, and that was about all the comfort the truck  had! It was somewhat interesting to see a truck move from left to right while the steering wheel stayed in the middle. Turning on the radio meant listening to the rasping of a insane squirrel trying to rape a nut! Now imagine the mid day sun, 30 degrees Celsius heat, and little to no wind. Now add heavy boxes, furniture and people all on the edge of snapping at any moment. In short we had so much fun that we almost killed each other.

Just for scientific purposes here's a small heat chart showing the dangers of moving.

Our Humidity is around 70% (correct me if I am wrong) and 86 Fahrenheit, this puts Curacao at the Extreme caution part. Note that these are average temperatures. And that day there was no wind, and shadow was limited. So lets just say I saw many, many strange little creatures dancing in front of me all carrying boxes. Then again it could as well have been my own family and I just was going insane.

Day 5,

The move has not yet ended, muscles have lost all feeling and there is no escaping it. It is time for the heavy stuff to be moved. With my arms feeling like they are made off cotton we moved fridges, washing machines, dogs, and cold cans off beers. At the end off the day I would sit and not be able to move. Also I had to help my sister out, at which time my sister left us behind and focused on her own move. leaving just me and my brother to help out my parents further. Too be honest though she did leave us her little kids to help us. Well as much as a new born and 4 year old can help (Which means efficiency went down by 30% from there on out). She did come help once in a while, also she brought us food which was most likely the best I ever had. Even if it was KFC, which does chicken wrong, so very wrong.

Looks so tasty, could just as well be breaded rocks!

Day 6,

We're still not done, arms feel like they are going to fall off. Legs are shorter for some reason. The ability to think in any way is gone, long, long gone.

I am box zombie, I must move!
Day 7,

Brain gone, can't remember what happened this day. Just boxes, many boxes!

Day 8,

Wait there had to be a day 8? Yes friends, I had to take an extra day off from work as there was way to much to move. I also moved myself in this day, which by far was the easiest one for some reason.

Finally moved, my body broken, my mind gone. I now am renting a room from a friend till I am able to move into my future own house.

Well friends, what did I learn. When people ask you to help them move, ask them if they planned it out some! Also, just say no too moving and yes too drugs (which has the same effect on the brain!)!

(Just so you guys know I would still help you move, maybe)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

SuryaThejasode Amma Malayalam Stage Show - Curtain Raiser - Torrent

 SuryaThejasode Amma Malayalam Stage Show - Curtain Raiser - Torrent
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Kootukar Malayalam Movie torrent 2010.1CD.DVDRip

Kootukar Malayalam Movie
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Plus Two Torrent Malayalam Movie DVDRip XviD (2010)

Plus Two Torrent  Malayalam Movie
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Monday, April 11, 2011

More to come soon

Hello friends,

It has been a while has it not, well that because I have been moving my ass around on the Island. Which on itself is an adventure like no other. Filled with heart ship, lost loved ones, dogs being confused, cats being lost and many items carried from one place to another.

I will be creating a special article of this wonderful experience called moving. A true story of one man facing the odds.

Well my friends, till soon.

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The Lion - Animal Wallpaper

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rama Ravanan Torrent alayalam Movie 2010 DVD Rip

Madrasapattinam Torrent - DVDripScr - 1CDRip Madras Town (2010

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Ziering - Hot, Sexy And Beautiful Wallpaper

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Keeley - Hot, Sexy And Beautiful Wallpaper

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Speed Car - Beautiful Wallpaper

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Core - Beautiful Wallpaper

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Romijn - Hot, Sexy And Beautiful Wallpaper

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1993 BOMBAY MARCH 12 Review Stils Malayalam Movie, ;Mammooty, Roma


Direction               : Babu Janardhanan

Production            : Haneef Mohammed

Banner                  : Red Rose Creations

Music                    : Afsal Yousuf

Lyrics                    : Rafeeque Ahmed

Cinematography   : Vipin Mohan

Cast                       : Mammooty, Roma, Shari, Krishna, Jagathy, Sddique Lal, Jagadeesh, Manian Pillai Raju, Irshad, Karamana Sudheer, Sree Raman, Sarayu, Seema G. Nair

1993 Bombay March 12 is the forthcoming movie based on Mumbai riots and the effects it had on people. Mammootty plays the role of Sanathanan Bhatt in this flick.

The film is shot in Tamil and Telugu.
1993 bombay march 12

Mammootty in 1993 bombay march 12